Friday, July 23, 2010

Rain, rain, rain

It has been really coming down here!  Yesterday was an amazing display of rain in Southeastern Wisconsin with some pretty freaky events that made me want to be at work in the ED!  (1 Escalade sunk into a HUGE hole in the middle of the road - car was still running this morning, 2 people struck by lightening....etc!) 

Actually I did work in the ED yesterday but I had a few more "normal" patients than those.  I am feeling more and more comfortable there and am really enjoying it.  I feel my mind waking up again and I'm actually eager to buy a textbook and do some reading and research on the patients I've seen.  I'm keeping a patient log so I can look back and see all the cases I've had and follow up on some patients too.  This morning I did some online "extra credit" that was pretty fun and interesting.  They say you have to like life-long learning to make it in medicine and I think it's pretty true.  Hopefully though I will gain in hands on knowledge and not have to be running to a book to look everything up all the time.  For those going into medicine or in medicine, I'm living by my "Pharmacoepia" book - I just don't know meds/dosages yet.  The nurses are really helping me out too - yesterday I ordered 4 mg of a drug and the nurse was like "You mean 1 mg, right?"  I thought for a second and realized I had confused the dosages for 2 pain meds - 4 mg would have knocked the guy out for a few hours!  Thanks, Patty.  And the other nurses are all super helpful too.  Once they figure out I'm NOT a medical student, that is!

Today I have a rainy day off.  Bry and I are going to go up to Reedsville to visit some family tonight - he has a softball tournament in Manitowoc tomorrow.  He could be staying there until Sunday if the tourney goes well but I've got to work at Children's on Saturday night.

Knitting Knews: (too corny?  leave a comment!)

I started my first sock.  3 times.  I've currently ripped it out and found a new pattern that I'm going to try.  There are a few difficulties - 1. it's a tiny tiny needle 2. there are some complicated steps.  But I really want to make something that I can wear to work so I'm going to power on.  I hear that some people make 1 sock and never finish the second one - hoping I don't get that illness too!

I'm going to make the following Buga Baby Bunting except in pink.  I'm going to use the awesome yarn I bought at the Knitting Tree - see the blog down the page for pics.  Probably going to start it today.  (I already I can knit!)

I've been stymied by a pattern for something I'm making for my mom.  I'm going to rip it out (it's called 'frogging' in the knitting world) and try for the 4th time.  Otherwise she's going to get mittens.

That's about it for today.  Hope you have a nice, rainy weekend too.  Leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe a touch corny. I like the blood-and-guts ER posts though.
